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I know you have heard it many times before, even I have preached it many times myself — you can be whatever you want to be. These days we hear it over and over again (it is no longer news) — you can be whatever and however you want. You only need to choose what its gonna be! You can be all, do all and have all — whatever you wish. The Be, Do, Have mantra of the world! All you have to do is wish it, think it and say it and then you have it. You are Aladdin but you are also the Ginni and the lamp. In order words the buck stops at your table and it is up to you whatever you become. And nothing can stop you!! I used to rattle out this menace before like a preschooler who has just learnt her alphabets. But something didn’t always sit right. How about God? I mean where does that leave God in the equation? And how about Ephesians 2:10 [see verse at the bottom] which says that everything we will ever be has been predestined by God before the world was created? Meaning there is a plan for your life and my life. There is a blueprint that says it all. Isn’t that why David, when he wanted to build the temple, God had to stop him and say, ‘Hold on David, not you but Solomon, Solomon will build me a temple.’ Could David have gone rouge and built the temple? Yes. But would it have pleased God? No. I see an entire generation going rouge. They have made themselves the beginning and the end as far as their lives’ decisions are concerned. So these days I tread carefully. I’ve stopped running off, saying it and believing it. David didn’t need to confess it to make it happen. He had all it took to build a temple. So imagine if the decisions of his life were up to him? Imagine if God wasn’t in the equation. Imagine that a moment… The days are evil my friends. Yes, (like I used to boast) I have ten talents. But which talents did God (before I was conceived) write into my destiny to display? Which talents did he prepared beforehand for me to walk in? Enough of the braggadocio already people! There is an ancient path. There is an ancient landmark. And we have been warned not to (ever!) remove them. We go to God, we say, ‘Let your will be done.” That is how it is done. We don’t run off with a Be, Do, Have mentality. That is not Kingdom. That is a babylonian way of thinking. So, brothers and sisters, take a moment and think. Let us return to the place where we only survive by the grace of God. Not my will, but yours be done. Let’s reinstate those ancient landmarks.
Proverbs 22:28 Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set. — NKJV Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live]. — AMP