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Are you conforming or transforming?

Writer's picture: Bukkie Allison OmodaraBukkie Allison Omodara

Photo Credit: H Heyerlein

"What are you becoming?"

Exactly 72 hours ago a transaction with an artisan went sour. His monies had been delayed. It was the third month after two installments of payment since he completed work at my house, and he wanted desperately to get his final balance. I’d been extremely disappointed by his behavior once before, when he displayed outrage because of a bank transaction that got stalled by poor network. Still irritated by the memory, I said something that ticked him off and then he began to threaten me; using verbal language through text messaging. He reeled out a series of outbursts promising to unleash his madness if he didn’t get his final balance in one lump.

I quickly texted him reminding him that he was still going to get paid in another final two installments. And then I added in the conclusion that I wasn’t moved by threats. He flipped. The next lines of SMS bore all kinds of seething and raving. He promised to unleash hell. As though that wasn’t enough, by the following morning, after I tried to establish communication again, promising him he would get his full pay, he calls out an amount that was hiked by 15k!

I began to lose my patience. I sent him previous receipts, bank transfers and the general breakdown for the umpteen time and he wouldn’t hear any of it. I gave up trying to make him see reason. I sat down in silence and my thoughts turned to the Lord. I was struggling. I hate being ripped off. I’m not a cruel taskmaster. I do not deserve this. My thoughts were running a thousand miles per hour. And then I heard it loud and clear. Like a trumpet.

If you’re asked to go 1 mile, go 2 miles.

If you are struck on one cheek, turn the other.

If your garment is taken from you, give them your cloak also.

My eyes stung with tears. I gave up struggling with the Lord. I yielded. I knew it was the Lord. I knew His voice. And the scripture, though I couldn’t recall the exact place it was in the Bible, chapter, verse and all, I knew they were the words of Jesus. And I hadn’t read through that particular line of scripture in a long, long, time. There was no disputing that the Holy Spirit had brought it to my remembrance in that moment so I could have guidance. Quickly, I looked up the scripture and found it in Matthew 5:38-42. Of course, I had peace afterwards. I still do. I made the full payment yesterday and parted painfully with an extra 15 grand.

I couldn’t deny the power of God’s word as described in Hebrew 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

God’s word in that moment had judged and righted the thoughts and attitudes of my heart. No doubt about that. I’ve gone back to read and reread that scripture. And I’ve marveled at how God’s word can come to you and truly divide bone and marrow, searching spirit and soul. Backing up from verse 33, it actually begins thus:

You have heard that it has been said, eye for eye and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. Matthew 5:38-42

It brought Romans 12:2 to life again:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

How many times have we gone our own way and resisted the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit when He speaks in that still small voice? How many times have we allowed our philosophies to drown out the straight, undiluted word of God? How many times have we rebelled against God’s wisdom and without fear of the consequences, exchanged truth for hardcore disillusionment? We call them all kinds of names; our rights, what’s obtainable, these are different times, we have to use wisdom, being a Christian doesn’t equate to being a fool. Well, it does. I hate to disappoint you. And burst your bubbles. Or your parachute!

Being a Christian equates to being a fool in the eyes of the world (before your peers and equals) but wise before God. And Matthew 5:38-42 clearly states that; the path for the Christian is completely at variance with the path of the world. One is the widening highway and the other is the straight and narrow path. And the rules haven’t changed. One leads to condemnation and the other leads to everlasting life.

Question is, are you conforming or transforming?

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