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Follow the Ancient Path

Writer's picture: Bukkie Allison OmodaraBukkie Allison Omodara

Updated: Jul 30, 2020


Photo Credit: Google Images

Written October 18th, 2017


Do you sometimes feel like life is harder to navigate in this present age? Like the bars have been raised so high and that scripture or christianity or being born again has lost its potency to overcome the storms of this age?

Do you read the scriptures and all you get are just letters and not life? Your prayer life is also wordless and meaningless, full of needs, wants, needs and more wants. And your emptiness overwhelms you with concern. You begin to ponder this life that you are living and if there is hope in your future… if it all makes sense in the end?

If this is you right now then you need to stop right there and examine where you are. Which road are you traveling? Perhaps you have veered off course. And have soon become weary, and sluggish about what you first believed. You have receded into lethargy; sluggishness, slowness, inactivity, lifelessness.

Yesterday, we looked at Hebrews 11:1-2; verse 1 is a very popular verse of scripture but not verse 2. Verse 2 says, This is what the ancients were commended for. They were commended for their faith.

Hebrews 6:12 tells us, We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. – NIV

New American Standard Bible says, so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Who are those who through faith and patience inherit the promise? They are the ancients Hebrew 11:2 spoke about. They are men and women of the Bible, our predecessors in faith. They aren’t just characters of a grand story. The earlier you realise that the easier your journey here on earth becomes.

We are sojourners and we are not here by ourselves or for ourselves. We belong to an eternal lineage, and our predecessors and ancestors have left a trail for us to follow. It is called the Ancient Path recognisable by ancient landmarks put there by our fathers.

Proverbs 22:28 

Remove not the ancient landmark, which your fathers have set. KJV 

Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors. NIV

So cheer up. Go back to the scriptures and look beyond the letters for within are these precious promises and life! Look to Jesus not to men. Be like the Bereans and go back and search the scriptures. See if these things you hear are truly as they say.

Regain vigor and stamina. Awake. Come alive. Retrace your steps back to the beginning. Seek out the ancient path. It is your faith. And by it you overcome.

1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. – KJV

Hebrews 11 shows us how the ancients overcame the world through their faith. And these ancients have left a path way for us to follow. There is only one path as there is only one faith. If you are not on that path, your life will be pervious, suffering severe leakage. You will be drained of strength and vigor. You will become patched and sluggish. Then you will not finish the race.

But I encourage you today; fight the good fight of faith! Follow the ancient path of faith. And do not remove the ancient landmarks. Search the scriptures for yourself.


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